
Valley Care Community Consortium (VCCC) was founded in 1995 by key safety-net providers concerned about the lack of access and funding to services for low-income populations in Service Planning Area 2 (SPA2) of Los Angeles County. Understanding that the only way to improve the quality and access of health services, and end health disparities in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys was to work in partnership and collaboration, safety-net providers came together to form VCCC.

VCCC started meeting in 1994 following the Northridge earthquake, aiming to be a planning table for key safety-net providers to increase access to services for the area's low-income residents.  In the wake of the weakened health system infrastructure due to the natural disaster, VCCC conducted a series of focus groups among the local L.A. County Department of Health Services (DHS) and Department of Public Health (DPH), community clinics, non-profit hospitals, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), and community-based organizations to identify common areas of concern.  The original partners came together with a simple yet bold purpose: to focus on do-able projects with support from leadership that would yield results.

Today, VCCC partners with over 200 agencies that include community health clinics, Los Angeles County health departments, local social service agencies, non-profit hospitals, universities, and community residents.